Sunday, 1 January 2017

Would 2017 be Better?

The Key to open Significant Doors in 2017

I rejoice with you that you made it finally into the long awaited 2017, I officially welcome you to this great year.
We need to understand clearly that date doesn't really change anything but we humans do,  you are the one to determine if this year will be prosperous and new for you and your family. Really that it is 1-1-17 doesn't mean we would have more than 24hrs today hence we need to come to the reality that the year has started.

From the watch-night service yesterday, I picked some lessons that I would love to share with you, there are keys that can open significant doors for you in this year while some keys can block your way,

The following will help make this year a beautiful one for you!
- Forgiveness: forgive yourself, those who hurt you,  forgive your family members,  forgive the past so that you can move on with great hope of newness.
-Faith: Have faith in God,  stick closer to God in this year than ever before, be positive and optimistic, let God lead before any move.
-Love: This will really leave you with peace of mind at the close of everyday, refuse to regard iniquity in your heart.if you harbour hatred, bitterness, animosity, it would only ruin your joy.
-Transparent Holiness: Sin breeds powerlessness,Don't get muddled up into satanic mess, breakaway from every entanglements.
-Obedience:it is sung that it is the best way to show that you believe,if you obey, you can be sure of God's blessings and answers to prayers.

Choose to make 2017 a year of meaningful relationship with God and your life will make more sense.

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